Basic Oil Painting Techniques
The Key Techniques for Oil Painting Rachel Shirley |
Oil Painting Glazing
My Youtube clip below, showing Bacchus from Titian's painting Bacchus and Ariadne, shows the combination of 2 art techniques: the background had been completed in glazes for smooth detail. The Bacchus figure, as can be seen, was completed in one paint layer (alla prima).
Sgraffito Oil Painting
Sgraffito provides special paint effects by adding textures to the oil paint. Any mark making implement can be used, from old combs and toothbrushes to pencils. By applying a conflicting colour beneath the painting, this colour will be revealed when the upper layer is etched off, introducing an element of movement and energy to the oil painting.
Simple Oil Painting Techniques
Further techniques in oil paint can be explored as the artist learns more about this medium. Tonking is a useful technique for undoing an area of painting the artist is unhappy with. By blotting off the area concerned with newspaper, the paint can be lifted off without affecting the surrounding area.
Scumbling is an oil painting technique that gives a broken finish to the paint, adding atmosphere to clouds or landscapes. Constable practiced scumbling in his later paintings.
Art Techniques
With different oil painting techniques at one’s disposal, the artist can make oil painting as simple or as complex as one needs it to be. Several techniques can be combined within one painting to provide contrast in approach. But the beginner need only require the oil paint, a few brushes and primed artboard in order to begin oil painting.
Links on Oil Painting Techniques
cant wait to learn more,, helpful will be back again